10 types of vacation/leaves in Saudi Labor Law

Types of Leaves in Saudi Labor Law

Sick Leave

  • Employees who fall ill are entitled to sick leave for up to 4 months, with varying payment structures:
  • First month: Fully paid.
  • Following two months: Paid at 75% of total salary.
  • Fourth month: Unpaid.
  • Rules related to Sick Leave in Saudi Arabia are recommended for further understanding.

Annual Leave

  • Based on tenure with the employer:
  • Less than 5 years: 21 days.
  • More than 5 years: 30 days.

Unpaid Leave

  • Article 116 permits workers to take unpaid leave with employer consent.
  • If exceeding 20 days, the employment contract is suspended, barring End of Service Benefits.

Death Leave

  • In case of the death of a spouse, children, or parents, employees are entitled to 5 fully paid working days (Article 113).

Iddah Leave

  • For a woman whose husband has passed away:
  • Non-Muslim: 15 days.
  • Muslim: 130 days (Article 160).

Hajj Leaves

  • Employees can avail 10 to 15 days of Hajj leave instead of Eid-ul-Adha vacation, under certain conditions:
  • Once during employment.
  • Minimum 2 years of service required.
  • Employer may limit beneficiaries (Article 114).

Marriage Leaves

  • Employees can take 5 days fully paid vacations on the occasion of marriage (Article 113).

Child Birth Leave

  • Fathers: Entitled to 3 fully paid days.
  • Mothers: Eligible for maternity leaves.

Eid Holidays

  • Eid ul Fitr: 4 fully paid leaves from the 30th of Ramadan.
  • Eid ul Adha: 4 fully paid leaves from the 9th of Dhul Hijjah.
  • If Eid leaves are not granted, compensated leaves or overtime should be provided.

Exam Leave

  • Employees can take leave for unrepeated exams on the exam day.
  • Repeated exams warrant unpaid leave (Article 115).

National Day

  • Celebrated on September 23rd, it constitutes a fully paid leave.